Developing managers’ senior management skills

Developing managers’ senior management skills are more important than ever before. Organisations desperately need a more agile workforce. Where the requirement of this workforce, to constantly change and adapt is embraced and resistance is low. This requires managers that are able to lead and possess the skills that senior management are expected to have. Unfortunately […]

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Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored

‘Facts do not cease to exist because you ignore them’ – Aldous Huxley. Yes, it sounds obvious but in practice this truism is often overlooked. This is much to the annoyance and exasperation of Socialised Mavericks everywhere. These Mavericks strongly believe in objective truth (and will defend the concept to the death!). This is the reason […]

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Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back

‘Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back’. Most people have heard the old adage ‘curiosity killed the cat’, used often as a refrain to stop them from being curious of the things around them. It is one of the reasons that Conformists and some Maverick Behaviourists choose not to question what they see […]

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Telling the truth is a revolutionary act

In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act – George Orwell In probably no other time in history, this has become especially true. We live in a world in which we gleefully describe as ‘post truth’ or full of ‘alternative facts’; and roll our eyes and shrug our shoulders […]

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Maverick Leadership

Maverick Leadership “Successful leadership in an ever shifting landscape isn’t easy. Finding your place in the world has become increasingly difficult as the century gets older. The old staples aren’t stable anymore and we are no longer sure of the old certainties. Things must change and the time for a new type of leader is […]

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Episode 29

In this episode of The Maverick Paradox Podcast, Judith talks with Simon Broome about truth in the workplace and whether senior management is too scared to be truthful at work. Simon is a business transformation leader and coach. His LinkedIn profile is here. You can find out where to listen to Episode 29 on one […]

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The Big Listen – starts today with Dr K

Today is the first day of The Big Listen! For the whole of December we will be releasing an episode of The Maverick Paradox Podcast each day on Facebook and Twitter. This will give you a chance to catch up on any episodes that you have missed as well as listening to December’s new releases. […]

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Episode 21

This show is the 7th ‘Alone with Judith’ episodes and the 21st of The Maverick Paradox Podcast. In this short episode Judith discuses the topic – What is a Maverick? Judith explains the difference between a Maverick personality, a Maverick trait and the nature of the Maverick. Judith’s LinkedIn profile can be found here, her […]

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Listen Up!

Listen up! Are you the sort of person who is interested in how things work and has a perspective that is different from your peers? Do you like discovering new things, for the sake of just knowing? Listen up! Are others surprised at just how eclectic AND specific your knowledge is? They rely on you […]

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What is a Maverick Behaviourist?

What is a Maverick Behaviourist? There are 4 types of people, Conformists, Maverick Behaviourists, Extreme Mavericks, Socialised Mavericks. My post, ‘What type of maverick are you?’ explains this briefly. However, for more detailed information, please see my book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders. Following a number of requests, I have produced […]

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