What's a Maverick?
A lot of people have asked me this and it's something that has fascinated me deeply, perhaps because I am one. It has become a consuming passion of mine to truly understand the mind of the maverick. Firstly to understand myself better, and then to find a way to help mavericks and the people that work with them harness their maverick talent. A lot of my early work was on this theme, before I really started to do some serious study for my book. It wasn't enough to just understand, knowledge without purpose seemed, well, wasteful!
Who knows about mavericks?
I did a lot of searching but there just wasn't anything out there in 2005, so I had to develop everything from scratch. This of course includes my definition of a maverick - someone who is wilfully independent. Whilst it was fun in the early days, I really was a lone voice crying in the wind! I've tried hard to change that, so to further the understanding of mavericks I have been writing (on blogs, magazines) and speaking (events, interviews, podcasting) about mavericks, and hosting maverick events.
Now of course, 13 years later, there are a lot of people talking about mavericks and adding to this genre. This can only be a good thing. There is still much to know, learn and uncover about this important topic (mavericks). To help this cause I've been looking at some of my earlier stuff to see whether it is still relevant today. A lot of it is, so I will start reposting it or bringing it carefully up to date soon. Some of this earlier work no longer resides on the web or is harder to find for those that want to learn more about mavericks and what they do and how they think.
Whilst looking for my earlier work I see that some other people have also found it and have taken the opportunity to share it with their audiences. Unfortunately they have chosen to claim it as their own (rather than crediting me) - naughty! So, if you find some great content around the web on Mavericks - it might just be mine!
Anyway, time waits for no man or woman! Like I said, it was time for some new ideas and information on mavericks! Therefore, In 2017, I decided that I needed to get deeper about Mavericks and took time out to totally re look at the genre. The result is my book - The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders - check it out, you might like it!
The book REALLY answers the question 'What is a Maverick?'
Head over to Amazon. You can pick up the eBook or the paperback version, if you are curious.
What to do if you like my stuff?
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If you would like to quote or use my work in a body of your own, then please seek permission - I might just say yes. If in doubt, ask. It took a great deal of time, insight, research and knowledge to come up with the things that I do. Your support makes it easier for me to write new stuff!
So, this is me
My name is Judith Germain - The Mindful Maverick. I love all things leadership and all things Maverick.
I am a Socialised Maverick, I consult, mentor, write, podcast and speak. Enjoy my work. If you have any questions on Mavericks, contact me and I will do my best to address them.
Until we meet again then …